Quotes: Transcriptions On Listening, Sound, Agency is a citational book of scholarship that excerpts phrases, sentences, and paragraphs from the entire roster of papers and performances presented at the 2021 online SpokenWeb symposium, likewise entitled Listening, Sound, Agency. By relistening to and compiling traces from all the panels and performances, this project proposes possible conversations, potential interconnections between diverse bodies and modes of research, and underscores the capacity for intellectual overlap, even between scholarship and creative outputs that might seem very dissimilar.

This project is deliberately not categorized as a book, despite being a full-length publication. The reason is that it is collaboratively edited, not written, by Klara du Plessis and Emma Telaro as an experimental remix, collage, or deep curation of over sixty different voices.

Book design: Leila Gillespie-Cloutier
Printed: Vide Press

Quotes cites from the following researchers: Samuel K. Adesubokan, Renée Altergott, Mathieu Aubin, Sarah Auches, Oana Avasilichioaei, Ali Barillaro, Sadie Barker, Nicolas Bernier, Karine Bouchard, Jason Camlot, Tanya Clement, Teresa Connors, Spy Dénommé-Welch, Klara du Plessis, Nina Sun Eidsheim, Ian Ferrier, Deanna Fong, Katharina Fuerholzer, Julie Funk, Andre Furlani, Nicole Brittingham Furlonge, Kate Galloway, Philippe-Aubert Gauthier, Junting Huang, Smaro Kamboureli, Kaie Kellough, Moynan King, Caroline Kita, Kevin Yuen Kit Lo, Marit MacArthur, Michelle Levy, Catherine Magowan, Cole Mash, Andrew McEwan, Hannah McGregor, Dayna McLeod, Katherine McLeod, Kevin McNeilly, Mara Mills, Kristin Moriah, Emily Murphy, Andrea Murray, Chris Mustazza, Laurie Pelletier, Julia Polyck-O’Neill, Julieanna Preston, François Proulx, Dylan Robinson, Victoria Roskams, Sandrine Rousseau, Georges Roussel, Faith Ryan, Jon Saklofske, Aphrodite Salas, Jentery Sayers, Erin Scott, Jason Sharp, Eric Schmaltz, Karis Shearer, Robert Stacey, Jonathan Sterne, Angus Tarnawsky, Felicity Tayler, Emma Telaro, Ellen Waterman, Jason Wiens, and Kevin Zemmour.