The event represents the lyrical, but an attempt at defining the event endlessly defers meaning—poetry readings, death, belonging, the digital and— Post-Mortem of the Event is a cyclical archive that twists back to recorded readings of Klara du Plessis’s earlier Hell Light Flesh and leans forward to invoke a still unwritten manuscript. Here poetic composition encompasses audiovisual media, transcription, wave form visualization, and digital humanities and interdisciplinary methods. With the maturity of three previous collections, Du Plessis presents a brilliant expansion of her musical yet essayistic poetics.

Purchase: Palimpsest Press, 2024


“A review of Post-Mortem of the Event.” Carlos A. Pittella. Montreal Review of Books. Fall Issue 2024.

“‘This is a document of affect’: On Klara du Plessis’ Post-Mortem of the Event.” Alan Reed. Periodicities: A Journal of Poetry and Poetics. 4 October 2024.


“Klara du Plessis Answers Four Questions for Erín Moure.” 14 February 2024.